Answering a Reader Question #363

Anonymous Wrote:

Hiya! I have got a couple questions for youuu. 1. Do agencies care about mild acne? It can easily be covered up with makeup but its noticable with extreme close ups. D: 2. I watch Americas next top model, and sometimes i hear them say "you really know your body". Does that mean like they know what pose looks good? how does one know theit body? thanks dollface!! 

Hey, Anonymous! Mild acne is acceptable to agencies as long as it can easily be covered with makeup. For close-ups, that's where Photoshop and airbrushing will come into play. For your second question, that comment typically means that the models knows what poses flatter their figure and will photograph well.

As a model does more shoots and gains that hands-on experience--including viewing the photos afterwards--he/she eventually learns what poses work for their body and which ones don't. Practicing in a mirror also helps a person learn various ways to become comfortable with their body to the point where once in front of the camera, they can already envision how the photograph will look. It's a skill that takes time and a lot of practice to learn but is a natural part of the process of developing a modeling career.


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