Answering a Reader Question #1,037

Charlie Wrote:

I just had a conversation with my mother that modelling pays really well.

And she straight up went like "it's a dirty business , you don't know what works models have to do to get on the top " . It was my way to tell her that I want to pursue modelling but before I could even tell that to her directly , I lost all my gathered up courage and I can see all my dreams dying right infront of my eyes.

Hey, Charlie!

I'm sending you the BIGGEST virtual hug right are not the only one who has had the wind taken right out of their sails by a parent who simply doesn't want to risk their child being disappointed, possibly taken advantage of, or wind up as an example of why people shouldn't get into modeling.

I don't know your age or what the situation is but if you are under 18, it's gonna be a bit of an uphill battle to try and convince your mom since it sounds like she's already made it clear how she feels.

However, that doesn't mean you have to give up. One of the best pieces of advice I have for you is to do your research. Look up reputable modeling agencies within a 2 hour's drive from where you live. Visit the agency websites and find out what kind of models they represent, the requirements, and guidelines for submitting.

I don't know what kind of modeling you're trying to pursue (i.e. commercial/print, fashion/runway, etc.) but if the agency is legit, it will have all the info you'll need to present to your mom to show her the business side of things. She'll still have her feelings about it but the goal is to get her to simply listen to your presentation of the info you found.

Still in school? Make sure you can answer any and all questions she's going to have about how modeling could put your studies at risk. If the agencies are holding in person casting calls, have your mom go with you so she can see for herself what it's all about and even ask questions if the opportunity arises.

At the end of the day, it's important to let your mom know about your interest in modeling and that you want to have her be part of the process to explore and see if it would be something you could realistically pursue on the side (if you're a full-time student). Have a mature and well thought out convo with her and see where it goes. Don't come at her with the whole, "I wanna be famous and be a supermodel like so and so" type of deal -- that'll shut her down completely. 

Be honest with yourself about how you would handle such an opportunity if it were in front of you. Hopefully with all the research and options laid out in front of her, your mom will at least consider looking into it with you. And if you are underage, let her know that nothing can happen without her consent: from signing contracts and accepting gigs to the agency negotiating things on your behalf...that should help her see that she can be part of everything and not have you out there in the industry by yourself.

Sending you the best of luck and positive vibes for a good turnout once you get the confidence to approach her again about the topic!


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