Answering a Reader Question #1,008

Anonymous Wrote:

I’m a mixed race asian woman (India-Indian & chinese), age 31, I’m 5’10, it’s always been my dream to be a model, but a lot of life issues in my 20’s got in the way, that I’ll probably solve when i’m 33. I’m 31 but have been told through just selfies, most people think I’m in my.mid-20’s and to a lesser extent early 20’s. I’m hoping to be scouted from social media, would 32-33 years old be too old???? I’m usually seen As five years younger than I am throughout my life, Do I have a genuine chance to get scouted or should I should I try to find an agency

Hey, Anonymous!

I would definitely recommend finding an agency to represent you over trying to get scouted online. While many agencies have a strong social media presence and even have scouts looking online for new models, submitting yourself right to the source is always going to be your best (and safest) bet.

It is free to send in your digital snapshots and contact info via agency websites, email and/or online forms. All it takes is an online search for agencies within a 2 hour's drive from where you live (ideally). The websites will state their submission guidelines and you'll also be able to search the models currently on roster to see if they have models in your age range and what divisions they list them under. 

You can submit to as many agencies as you fit the requirements for and I would advise submitting at the same time so you have a better chance of hearing back from them around the same time frame. As long as you submit to each agency accordingly (not all of them ask for the same materials), you should be good to do. 

Don't feel pressured to get professional images or put a portfolio together. 9 times out of 10, the agencies want clear quality, digital snapshots. If you need help with your agency search or assistance with putting together your snapshots, feel free to email me directly at:


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