Answering a Reader Question #996

Anonymous Wrote (in reference to the blog post, "Modeling & Pay Rates: How Much Should You Charge?"):

Thank you for the info. I appreciate it. I'm reading this and seeing that it was published going on 10 years ago and so I'm wondering how acurite you'd say the prices quoted in your article would be today?

Hi, Anonymous!

Although the post was written some time ago, the nature and details involved with modeling jobs hasn't changed. The duties that models provide and the logistics that come into play with setting up shoots and other related projects hasn't changed much, either.

Of course, there is some wiggle room if you adjust for inflation, the market where the modeling jobs are and other economic factors but because the pay range for modeling work is such a wide ranging one that isn't regulated or controlled like other professions, sticking close to the rates listed in that particular blog post are still a good guide for reference purposes, especially for models just starting out.


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