Answering a Reader Question #994

Anonymous Wrote (responding to my blog post, "Location: You Gotta Be Where the Action Is!"):

Hi! Does this concept still apply in this day and age? I got rejected by over ten agencies (sent photos and got no response)...the thing is, all these agencies are also more than a 5 to 10 hr car ride away. Could that have been a factor? (Event though we live in a super connected world)

Hi, Anonymous!

Despite how long ago that post was written, the situation in regards to location has not changed even though a lot of things about how the modeling industry operates has.

The main rule of thumb for submitting to agencies is--and continues to be--to choose those that are no further than a 2 hour's drive away from where you live. The reasons why are stated in the post you commented on so I won't rehash that here but believe me, there is method to the madness.

Not being available for last minute castings and jobs because a model can't physically get there on time, is a risk no agency wants to take and last minute notifications happen often. Plus, models are responsible for getting themselves to and from castings and booked jobs and if you have to take a road trip or even a plane each time, that's going to quickly drain you financially.

If anything, the best way to have an agency be interested is if you relocate to be closer to that market area (the agency will not cover relocation costs so that would be something you'd have to come out of pocket for).

There are situations where agencies have model housing/dorms for their models but that mainly happens for high fashion and runway categories and it isn't something agencies just hand out. Those arrangements are reserved for the models they know are highly marketable and will book work. Otherwise, it is your responsibility to be close to where the action is happening.

While the submission and communication process these days does take place on the Internet/social media within the digitally connected world, the meat and potatoes of the work that has to be done by models happens onsite and if you aren't nearby, that will be a major challenge for you. So it is best to consider submitting to local agencies to increase your odds of getting representation.


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