Answering a Reader Question #968

Steve Wrote:

Hi Dania,

If an aspiring model is lucky enough to find a talent agency to sign them, this seems like a great career booster, the best place to start? I'm wondering if a newbie who has no headshots or related background such as Pageantry, can reasonably expect success with a casting agency. Before spending money on casting agency fees, is it more financially sound for the model to to begin establishing social contacts and obtaining a few headshots first? Btw, see please see my related comments on "Tips for finding a good casting agency".

Thanks for your New Years commitment to keep your blog alive! You are the only trained model in the U.S. of A who is offering free advice! Thank you from all of us Dania!!!!
Thank you,
Steve Norwood

Hi there, Steve!

Thanks for the kind words of support and being a fan of my blog, I appreciate you and the questions you ask for the benefit of yourself and others in your position!

Starting with a traditional modeling/talent agency is always the best place to begin one's pursuit of a career as a model in the industry. Casting agencies serve as both an ideal backup plan and a supplemental resource since many modeling/talent agencies have working partnerships with these types of businesses.

So if a newbie isn't able to gain agency representation, having a casting agency to fall back on is ideal, as is having access to a casting agency via the connections with a model's talent agent if they happen to luck out and get representation.

For the new model who has little to no modeling experience and wants to pursue working with a casting agency, it is recommended to get at least a few professional images (i.e. headshot and full body shot) prior to signing up with the casting agency website.

Because models are required to upload images, having professional quality photos will go a long way in getting the profile approved by the casting agency, as well as increase the odds of attracting potential clients once the model starts using the casting agency's services to submit directly to projects.

Having social media profiles in place prior to working with a casting agency is also a good step in general. You want to always make sure you have ways for potential clients and even photographers and other industry professionals to find you online and get on their radars.


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