
Showing posts from March, 2018

Answering a Reader Question #970

Steve Wrote: Hello Dania: After reading your post, I see that I am missing lifestyle and family man shots in my portfolio. So could a father-daughter shoot serve both these categories? When I visit the Bay area in April, if there is a TFP photographer who can shoot me in these categories aside from the beach shots we discussed, can you connect us? Since I look younger with my beard now trimmed short, do you think my agent is less likely to cast me in roles targeted to the over 50 audiences? Thank you, Steve Norwood Hi there, Steve! Having a father-daughter type of shoot would certain qualify for lifestyle and family man shots for your portfolio. There are modeling groups on Facebook that are great resources for networking and posting travel notifications for those that are location-based for its members. It couldn't hurt to reach out to those groups and ask to join or to post your availability and interest in doing trade shoots with local photographers in the Bay Area...

Answering a Reader Question #969

Steve Wrote: Hi Dania, When I did a google search for talent agencies in Arizona, then one for casting agencies, the list of companies displayed was essentially the same. The distinction can be a little vague for the newbie. From a model/actor who is serious about the business, after recently signing a contract with a talent agency, my agent referred me to a couple of different casting agencies. I feel like with my lack of experience, do you agree talent agency is more likely to find me work? For aspiring models and have to have to work in other fields to support themselves for a couple of years while establishing themselves in the industry, and thus have a limited amount of time to read all the casting agency listings, is their time better spent with the talent agency doing the leg work? Btw, please see my related comments for your blog, "The difference between casting agencies and Talent/Modeling agencies". Thank you, Steve Norwood Hey, Steve! Because talent a...

Answering a Reader Question #968

Steve Wrote: Hi Dania, If an aspiring model is lucky enough to find a talent agency to sign them, this seems like a great career booster, the best place to start? I'm wondering if a newbie who has no headshots or related background such as Pageantry, can reasonably expect success with a casting agency. Before spending money on casting agency fees, is it more financially sound for the model to to begin establishing social contacts and obtaining a few headshots first? Btw, see please see my related comments on "Tips for finding a good casting agency". Thanks for your New Years commitment to keep your blog alive! You are the only trained model in the U.S. of A who is offering free advice! Thank you from all of us Dania!!!! Thank you, Steve Norwood Hi there, Steve! Thanks for the kind words of support and being a fan of my blog, I appreciate you and the questions you ask for the benefit of yourself and others in your position! Starting with a traditional model...