Answering a Reader Question #961

Unknown Wrote:

I have a skin condition known as vitiligo along with acne on my face back and chest. Could I still be a model?

Hey, Unknown!

There are several celebrities that have vitiligo. Winnie Harlow is one of the most famous since she is a top model who doesn't use makeup to cover her skin condition. Brooke Burke has melasma, which is similar, in that she has loss of pigmentation on her face, which she does use cover up to conceal.

So there are ways to pursue a career in modeling with a condition like vitiligo. As far as the acne goes, if you're able to get your skin to a point where it is healthy enough and with few blemishes, there is a chance that you could pursue modeling to some degree.

Winnie Harlow has definitely shown the modeling industry that being "different" can be something to embrace and break the pattern but you have to also possess all the other "it" factors that will get an agency's interest in representing you (i.e. physical stats, market location, personality, etc.).

The only way you'll know is if you submit yourself but I would recommend only doing so when your skin is at its best (doesn't have to be perfect because there's no such thing but it should be healthy) and your confidence is high.

When you go in with your head held high, agencies will take notice for all the right reasons. Best of luck to you!


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