Answering a Reader Question #930

Anonymous Wrote:

Hey Dania!
I just wanted to quickly ask your opinion on online submissions to agencies? With school in the way, its really hard to go to open castings in person. Do you think they're as effective as in person meet and greets? (sending to both small and big agencies)

Hey, Anonymous!

Open calls in person are always going to be the best way to make an impact on an agency simply because you're right there in front of them BUT people get interest from agencies via online submissions all the time.

While not as personal as seeing an agency in person, an online submission goes straight to them as well and they carefully review each one. If your snapshots are good quality and you follow whatever the given instructions are for each agency, there's no reason why you can't get a reply back using that method if making it to open castings is inconvenient at the moment.

Just remember that it can take a few weeks for them to respond back so don't get discouraged if you don't hear anything right away. Of course, I hope they like you so much that they can't wait to reply back!

Best of luck with your submissions!


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