Answering a Reader Question #914

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi, I just recently signed with a Donna Baldwin Agency in Colorado and I was wondering where you'd place it in terms of "big" or not. 

Thanks. I've been getting into your blog recently for help with my first few jobs and casting calls and it's been a great help:) 

Hey, Anonymous!

I'm happy to hear that my blog has been of use to you in your modeling career--I'm always thrilled to hear that and congrats as well on getting signed!

I'm not as familiar with the Denver market in general for agencies but based on the agency's website and their listing in online searches, it does appear that this particular agency is definitely one of the better ones for that area. The quality of their talent is very impressive and I wouldn't be surprised if they had a strong clientele base for CO.

Colorado by comparison to other "large markets" wouldn't be considered "big" as an agent in a place like Los Angeles, New York or Miami BUT for the market you're in, I'd say you're in good hands and that your agency is probably one of the bigger ones for the market it is located in.

Hopefully you've had a chance to experience a good amount of castings/auditions and book work through them. I'm sure they're happy to have you!


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