Answering a Reader Question #904

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania, this blog is so helpful... I appreciate all the help you've given!. I was reading through reader question #845 and I actually recently submitted photos to both IPM Model management and MSA New York for the curve division. I received an email from IPM telling me to give them a call. I called and was told they love my look and was asked to send more photos which I did. I also got an email from MSA requesting more photos as well. How long should I wait before sending a follow up email or just assuming that it's a no for right now? I know its a waiting game and all about patience but I've wanted it for so long and just very anxious :). Thanks for the help! 

Hi, Anonymous!

Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it!

Sadly, it is a waiting game and follow ups are typically discouraged. But in this case, since both agencies have already reached out to you with their initial interest, I say it is okay to send an email to inquire whether or not they would like to move forward with representing you.

Fingers crossed that you hear back!


  1. Thank you much! I'll continue to wait and keep you updated. After applying to all agencies that I can, and noone responds back, what do you suggest I do in the mean time? Should I be reaching out to different photographers and building a portfolio or just go about regular life until it's time to submit to agencies or go to open calls again?

  2. Hi, Anonymous!

    You're welcome, glad I could help!

    There's nothing wrong with doing shoots to get your feet wet and practice your posing.

    They aren't required for you at this point (when you get signed the agency will guide you through setting up test shoots to create your portfolio images) so I would recommend just doing them for fun and as a time to experiment and get comfortable being in front of the camera.

    Try to seek out photographers willing to do test shoots for free (also known as "TF shoots" or "trade shoots") that way you don't end up spending money prematurely on images.

    Many photographers are more than happy to test with models for an exchange of services in lieu of money. When both photographers and models are able to use the resulting images from a shoot for their portfolios, everyone wins so it'll just be a matter of finding the right photographers to work with in your area.

    Hope that helps!

  3. Hi, Jordan!

    You'll find the answer to your question in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #912," which can be found on this blog.

    Thank you for being a reader!


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