Answering a Reader Question #896

Dana Wrote:

Hi Dania,
I am 22 attending my first open call in attempt to be signed with a major agency in New York City. Can you give me any insight into the kind of questions I should expect to be asked?

Hi there, Dana!

Open calls are really informal and agencies typically don't spend a lot of time with each model so you won't have to worry about getting a ton of questions asked like you would in an interview situation.

Some open calls are as quick as an agency staff member taking your snapshots to another room to evaluate with their peers (while you wait in the lobby) and then returning with a "yes" or "no" answer. Others take a bit more time (by that, I mean a few minutes) with each model and may ask simple questions like:

- Do you have any modeling experience?

- Are you in school/working?

- What is your availability/schedule like to accept work?

- Why do you want to be a model?

Very generic things like that to get a sense of your personality and how comfortable you are talking about yourself.

Make sure to not overthink that part of the process and answer honestly, with a smile, great eye contact and avoid one-word answers. Show them your personality and you'll be just fine!


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