Answering a Reader Question #863

Emma Wrote:

Hey this has nothing to do with being tall because I'm small. I really want to be a model but I'm 5'4 and still growing , I was adopted and my brith mother was really small I'm talking 4'9! So I'm quite lucky to get to this height. I never knew my birth father so I don't know wether he was really tall or average . I've been on every website and it says if you not tall you should give up but that's not me I don't give up I'm determined to be a model and i know that it takes a lot to get there but Im willing to try . I was wondering if you could tell me if there is hope for a small teen who wants to be a model and if so what do you suggest I do ? I really need to know thanks.

Hi there, Emma!

At 5'4" you have a shot at doing commercial/print modeling, which tends to make more exceptions when it comes to height compared to other categories like fashion and runway. For you, it'll be a matter of locating agencies that represent print models.

I don't know your age but if you're under 18 then you could also look for agencies that represent teen models, since there aren't strict height requirements for teen divisions.

You'll want to do an online search for modeling agencies in the city/state/area where you live. The agency websites will tell you directly what kinds of divisions they represent. For the ones that have commercial/print and/or teen models, click through the websites further to learn what the instructions/guidelines are for submitting yourself.


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