
Showing posts from October, 2015

Answering a Reader Question #836

Anonymous Wrote: Hi Dania, I am a 13 year old girl, standing at 5"41/2, applying to a modelling agency. I really want to further a career in modeling; do most agencies (like IMG Models or Whilemena) have a "requirement" for you to have a thigh gap? Are these measurements 25 in. waist, 29 in. chest, and 29 in. bust, accepted in the modelling community? Hi there, Anonymous! Your measurements are perfectly fine for modeling. At your height, however, you're going to want to submit to agencies that represent teen and/or commercial/print modeling. Fashion agencies like IMG and Wilhelmina won't be able to consider you for fashion or runway because you don't meet the height requirement. So you don't need to worry about the thigh gap thing, either, because it doesn't apply to you. But your height is perfect for print work so that's where you'll want to focus your efforts when it comes to finding and submitting to modeling agencies. Best of...

Answering a Reader Question #835

Anonymous Wrote: I am 12 I have really big green eyeswith long dark eye lashes. think blond hair I am thin with long legs peopel have always said that I was pretty and I have always wanted to be a model but I am only 5 2 tall I have won kid with the most butiful eyes when I was 2 .  I just need some help Hi, Anonymous! At your age, you are ideal for tween and kid modeling. Don't worry about your height because you're still too young for runway and fashion modeling so that shouldn't be a concern for you. Look online for modeling agencies within a 2 hour's drive from where you live and visit the websites to find out if they represent kid/tween models. If they do, then check out the submission guidelines/instructions and follow them to submit yourself. That's all there is to it!

Answering a Reader Question #834

Dawn Peach Wrote: Hello Dania, My 19 year old son is elegant, handsome .... and 6' 7" !! He has been asked many times if he 'models'. Is his height totally out of the question? Dawn. Hi, Dawn Peach! Wow, that's quite a tall son you've got there! I'll never say never, but I really don't know if an agency could market your son at that height. I say that mainly because when it comes to models and height, agencies and clients also have to take measurements into account. Fashion models have to meet standard sizing for designers and if your son's measurements don't work, the client isn't going to take the time (and money) to resize and refit their clothing for one model, when there are dozens of others who already fit their clothes as is. So it's simply a matter of logistics that would be the issue. However, it couldn't hurt to submit him to agencies and/or attend open calls to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. I ...

Answering a Reader Question #833

Unknown Wrote: Hi Dania,  I'm a 19 year old model that cuurently is one year into a 3 year exclusive contract with a top agency. After spending the past few months in NYC, I figured out that modeling isn't for me, and I'll be going back to school starting jan. 2016. My issue is, I've racked up copious amounts of debt with my agency and have no idea what's going to happen if i don't get enough jobs to pay it off. Their model apartment is insanely expensive (6 girls each paying 2200/month in a 2 bedroom), and i got very few jobs while i was here. The most frustrating part is for an entire month and a half of my 4 month stay, my agency booked me out and wouldnt let me work because my skin was bad. They insisted i stay in new york even though i wasnt working. I have 2 more months to try and get my debt down, but they're very mean to me, unapproachable, and not understanding of my VERY tight finacial situation which is hindering me from staying here now that...

Answering a Reader Question #832

Unknown Wrote: Hi Dania! Its funny your name is Dania because that is my bfs sisters name. I've never heard it other than when I met her but anyways... Haha So I just got the offer to be signed with The Bella Agency in LA. and I've also done some freelance modeling work before that. At the same time right now, this is my last semester in school and I got a job offer to work in Medical sales which can be very lucrative with a good company. The hours are Monday though Friday 9am to 5pm I haven't officially accepted both of them but the Medical sales job will be sending me my offer soon and the modeling agency my contract. I don't know what to do because I'm currently unemployed and am about to move out with my little sister to help her with rent. Modeling has always been a passion of mine and I honestly love it. I'm just scared of the uncertainty of jobs. Please let me know what I should do? I've asked friends and they are 50/50 it's like secure incom...

Answering a Reader Question #831

Anonymous Wrote: Hi, I have a nose piercing, belly piercing and several ear piercings. Would that be a problem in a modelling career? What if I used clear studs? Hi, Anonymous! If the piercings can be taken out temporarily when you attend castings or paid modeling assignments, an agency should be able to work around it. When submitting to agencies, you do have to tell them about any and all piercings you have. But doing so doesn't mean they're automatically going to reject your submission. It's just something they'll take into consideration when it comes to deciding whether or not to move forward with interviewing you for possible representation. So prepare your snapshots and be honest about your piercings and see what happens. I would suggest attending open calls at the agencies that have them so you can get real time feedback about whether or not your piercings would be an issue. Ultimately, that's going to be the best way to find out for sure.