Answering a Reader Question #809

Allecia Davis Wrote:

Hi Dania Denise! Just wanna ask a quick question...Can a person with eczema go to an open call to persue a model career?

Hi, Allecia!

As someone who has eczema herself, you'll be happy to know that, yes, you can go to an open call and pursue modeling. :-)

The important thing is to make sure that you are diligently taking care of your skin so that it is at its best. It doesn't have to be perfect of course but as long as you have a solid skin care routine and other products to keep outbreaks and other things at bay, you should be perfectly fine to submit to agencies.

In fact, I would suggest waiting until your skin is in good condition (if it isn't already) before attending open calls or submitting photos. That way your confidence level will truly be at its highest and you'll feel good about meeting with the agencies.


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