Answering a Reader Question #778

Ryan Green Wrote:

Hi there!
I was wondering if you could help me.
I've never had the confidence to enter the modeling industry but now something within me is constantly telling me too.

However, when I took my measurements I realised I am literally 2cm off 5'11'' whilst bare foot but when wearing shoes or boots I actually go over the 5'11''. Could you please advise me on whether I am still able to enter the fashion model industry? Also, I've had a little concern with some other measurements, I found that my chest size is actually 32 inches and I am concerned with whether that is too small? I am very thin and it is almost impossible for me to gain muscle mass or ''fat''. 

Ryan :) 

Hey Ryan!

I think in your situation you should stick to plan A and submit to fashion agencies because if the difference is that slight for being barefoot compared to wearing shoes, then it's likely than an agent may still take interest in you if your look overall is strong and one in demand.

If you don't have any success with the plan A approach, then plan B would involve submitting to print agencies, which there aren't stringent height requirements for so you'd have less to worry about in that case.

Male models in the fashion world come in a variety of builds/body types. You have the muscular, tone, defined male models and then you have the others like yourself who are on the thinner, lithe side, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I've seen many male models with a build like yours in runway shows and editorials. Again, it all boils down to your look and what clients want.

So at this point, start with submitting to fashion agencies and see what results you get, then go for the print agencies as a backup plan. In the meantime, don't try to hit the gym or do drastic measures to try and change yourself physically. See if an agency will love you first as you are. :-)


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