Answering a Reader Question #766

Cesar Wrote:

Thanks for this awesome article, Dania! It really helped! 
I'm a male model and submitted some photos to an agency. Long story short, I'm going to a scheduled interview on Tuesday. I feel pretty confident about most everything, but my teeth. They're pretty white, and definitely straight, but they are very gapped. Similar to Lindsey Wixson's. My teeth weren't shown in my photos so I'm not sure how the agent will take it. How do you think the agent will react? Is having imperfect teeth a deal breaker? Should I be nervous about this at all? 


Hi there, Cesar!

Glad you found my post useful! I was just now able to respond to your question so I hope you get this in time if your interview is actually tomorrow and not next Tuesday.

I doubt you'd be the first model with a less than perfect smile that an agency has seen and certainly not the last. The photos you sent were good enough to get you the interview so I would say stay positive about it and make sure that your personality and energy is what the agency focuses on, not your concern over the appearance of your teeth.

In fashion and runway, models don't smile a lot so I wouldn't be surprised if the agency didn't mind the gaps since they are something that can be worked around, not to mention that there are a handful of models out there (like Lindsey Wixson) who have managed to be successful.

If you've got what the agency is looking for, there's no reason why you can't be one of the models in that "handful." :-)

Wishing you the best of luck with the interview!!!


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