Answering a Reader Question #752

Anonymous Wrote: 

I signed a 3-year contract with an agency for my 16 year old daughter, who is now 17 years old. She has had ZERO auditions, castings, paid jobs, etc. I have emailed the owner of the agency and have not had any response from the last two emails. He only emails back when it is for his benefit to ask for someone to volunteer to do something with no pay, but for exposure. How do we get out of this contract? 

Hi, Anonymous!

I'm sorry for the experience you and your daughter have been dealing with. Sadly, that type of thing is common in the industry, which is why agencies are not allowed by law (and common sense) to guarantee or promise its models that they'll be successful or book work. The fact that the agent isn't responsive to you regarding matters that are clearly important to you isn't a good sign either.

To get out of the contract you'll have to refer to your contract. It will contain information about the "exit clause," which describes the process you need to follow in order to legally and effectively terminate the contract. Hopefully you kept a copy of the paperwork that you signed on behalf of your daughter.

If you didn't, request a copy from the agency and be persistent if they don't respond right away. It is your right to have a copy of that document. If you need help locating the exit clause in your daughter's contract, you can email me directly at: for further assistance.


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