Answering a Reader Question #749

syed ali waris shah Wrote:

I have this attractive face and unique looks. i think i can do modeling. my interest developed towards modeling last year. Though I am 17 and i stand 176 cm/ i am searching for ways to grow taller. i think i am 17 people grow till 20. i know a model who was 183 in her age of 19 then she became 20 and she is 185. i am so confused that i should give it a try or not.

Hi there, Syed Ali Waris Shah!

When it comes to height, it's all in the genetics. There is no way to "make" yourself grow taller. Some people swear by certain techniques and methods but to be honest, those would be a waste of your time. If there really was a way to force yourself to grow taller, everyone would be tall enough to be on the runway, lol.

Look at your family to gain an idea as to how tall you could end up being. If your parents, aunties/aunties and grandparents are all fairly average in height, that could be a sign that you may not grow much more--at least not tall enough to be considered for fashion modeling.

The best way to find out how tall you could be and at what age you may stop growing is to make an appointment with your doctor. They're the most qualified to look at your family history and determine this information for you. So if it's that much of a concern, check out that option.

At your current age and height you are ideal for both teen and commercial/print modeling so why not check out agencies that represent those types of models and submit yourself? That would at least get you into the modeling industry and gaining experience until you hopefully grow tall enough to do runway. And even if you don't get taller, you'd already be actively modeling so either way, you'd be pursuing it. :-)


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