Answering a Reader Question #737

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania! 
I was just looking at the websites and I went into Boss model management.
There was a section called 'Physique' and I was wondering what that was. 
And in lifestyle, there are 'women' and 'classic women' what's the difference?
Also, there's another agency called Boss models in Australia. (if you type it into google, it comes up :) ) I'm just wondering if they are one of those agency where they have agencies around the globe. But like the logo is different... but they have the same name... one of the website looks more professional then the other one...
So... do you think they are same agencies??

Thank you! 

Hey there, Anonymous!

Physique is a division that deals with models (male and female) with really amazing bodies. They're hired specifically for work like underwear modeling (for men), lingerie (for women), athletic gigs and other types of work where they need well built bodies. Not body builders but people with very chiseled, proportional and athletic/muscular/toned builds.

The difference between "Women" and "Classic Women" is that "Classic" means older female models. These types of models would be well into their 40s, 50s and even 60s but they have a great look that is marketable to women in their age range.

Boss Models in Australia is the same company as Boss Models in the UK. On the Boss Models Australia site, it explains that the UK office is the international/European expansion of the company, which allows them more exposure and opportunity to work with models in that market (there's also Boss Models in New York).

However, they are their own offices/businesses so they operate according to their own rules even though it's the same company name. So you are correct, it is one of those agencies that has other locations around the globe. :-)


  1. Thank you so much for answering my questions!


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