Answering a Reader Question #731

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania!
I love your blog... this is the best info on modeling I've come across yet!
I have a question/scenario for you...
I'm currently 19 years old in college. Next spring (2015) I'll be studying abroad in London and graduating in May. I'm in college because I was forced to go, and am unfortunately stuck in the South/midwest (aka zero modeling jobs). I've done all that I can to get out of school ASAP, and when I graduate I'll be 20 years old.
I'm 6 feet tall, razor thin, have a clear complexion and healthy hair. I have minimal experience in modeling, but people have told me my entire life that I should pursue it. My plan is to submit photos to multiple agencies in London before I leave, and visit them if I hear back, and to also attend open casting calls while I'm there.
I'm wondering what your thoughts were on pursuing modeling in London, if there were any specific agencies I should look in to, and how much of a factor my age is. I have good skin, but I'll be a lot older than the other girls on the market and I don't know how much that will hold me back. 
I've read lots of articles about the age factor in modeling, but I really feel as though the other qualities I possess could possibly outweigh my age. I am determined to pursue modeling, and if my age holds me back I will be devastated. I would've started in the industry when I was young but I was never allowed, as education was always most important to my parents. Let me know what you think and if you have any advice about my future.
Thanks! :)

Hey, Anonymous!

Thanks so much for the kind words!!!

1) Don't worry about not having experience...agencies train new/inexperienced models all the time, nor do they expect you to have professional materials in place (comp cards, headshots, portfolio, etc.). They'll 9 times out of 10 request digital snapshots and the professional stuff will come into play after you've been signed, which will involve the agency guiding you as to how to put all those materials together according to their preferences.

2) Your plan of action for the agencies in London is a good one. You should submit to agencies both large and small. As long as they are reputable and have been in the industry for a while, you'll be good. That being said, below is a link to the names and websites of agencies in London that would be good for you to check out:

You've got plenty of agencies to choose from, lol, so focus on which ones you meet the requirements for and can realistically attend open calls for as a priority, followed by the ones you have to email submissions to.


  1. A lot of those agencies are way outside of London. In the North West of England (about 300 miles away). Also Tess is a supermodel agency that doesnt take applications. :)

  2. Hi Dania!
    I was just looking at the websites and I went into Boss model management.
    There was a section called 'Physique' and I was wondering what that was.
    And in lifestyle, there are 'women' and 'classic women' what's the difference?
    Also, there's another agency called Boss models in Australia. (if you type it into google, it comes up :) ) I'm just wondering if they are one of those agency where they have agencies around the globe. But like the logo is different... but they have the same name... one of the website looks more professional then the other one...
    So... do you think they are same agencies??

    Thank you!

  3. Hi, Anonymous! You'll find the answer to your question in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #737." Thanks for reading!


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