Answering a Reader Question #731

Anonymous Wrote: Hi Dania! I love your blog... this is the best info on modeling I've come across yet! I have a question/scenario for you... I'm currently 19 years old in college. Next spring (2015) I'll be studying abroad in London and graduating in May. I'm in college because I was forced to go, and am unfortunately stuck in the South/midwest (aka zero modeling jobs). I've done all that I can to get out of school ASAP, and when I graduate I'll be 20 years old. I'm 6 feet tall, razor thin, have a clear complexion and healthy hair. I have minimal experience in modeling, but people have told me my entire life that I should pursue it. My plan is to submit photos to multiple agencies in London before I leave, and visit them if I hear back, and to also attend open casting calls while I'm there. I'm wondering what your thoughts were on pursuing modeling in London, if there were any specific agencies I should look in to, and how much of a factor m...