Answering a Reader Question #681

Anonymous Wrote: 

Hi, Dania. I was reading through your answering a reader question and i saw that you said that agencies whose websites have lots of "coming soon" or something like that aren't a very good agency. (or i could've read that from just your dania denise blog. sorry if I confuse them up :L) I suddenly thought about Boss models Australia. I thought they were one of the big companies but their paris and milan sections of the website says coming soon... this just that they haven't done it or does this mean something else? Because I have had interest in Boss Models for a long time and their paris and milan section is always coming soon... 

Thanks a bunch! 

Hi, Anonymous!

How long have Boss's Milan and Paris sections been showing the "coming soon" message? If it's only been a few weeks, maybe it's just that they've yet to get around to building/gathering enough content to properly display. However, if it's been months or even a year or more, that may not necessarily be a good sign. BUT if they are reputable within Australia and are booking work for their models locally, then you should still submit to them.

If anything, you may end up getting invited to an interview where you can ask them about the Paris and Milan sections of the website and what the potential is for being sent to work in those markets. That would be the best way to find out an answer for sure straight from the source. There's nothing wrong with submitting and seeing where it goes. If you end up not feeling that Boss would be a good fit for you or if during the interview you think it may be sketchy, all you have to do is politely decline any offer for representation.

Models are never obligated to sign with any agency if they do not want to. That is a decision you make entirely on your own. So that being said, submit, see what happens and if you get a chance to ask them about those sections of the site, definitely do so and see how you feel after hearing their explanation.


  1. I think it is a good agency, for the fact that all of their Australia State sections are all updated and their London section is well. Also, they have a list of clients they work with and their facebook page is posting photos from model's job and client's email saying how wonderful the models were. So... could it be that they forgot about paris and milan section? And I will submit to them and see how things go from there!

  2. That's good that you know them to be a reputable agency. It could be that they're so focused on their models in Australia that they really haven't had the time to pay attention to building the images/content for their Paris and Milan sections. Definitely check them out and see what happens!


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