Answering a Reader Question #667

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania,

I have been signed with an agency for 2 years and havn't gotten a job. Agents tell me I should be getting jobs, but I'm not. Does this mean the modeling industry is not for me? I am thinking about giving up.

Hey, Anonymous!

That's very frustrating and I'm sorry you've found yourself in such a position. The fact that you have agency representation and are getting positive feedback from the agencies is a very good thing but, unfortunately, even modeling agencies can't control clients or the decisions they make.

I don't know any specifics about you, such as your height, stats/measurements, age, etc. but there are a number of reasons why a model--even one who is signed--might not book any work. A few of the most common include but are not limited to:

- Their physical look might not be in demand at the moment
- Their physical look may be "too in demand" and clients are looking for something completely different
- The model's look might not be right for the market/location they are in
- It might be something on the model's end--something he/she is/isn't doing that isn't giving clients the best first impression during castings calls/go-sees
- It might not be a good fit between the model and agency
- The agency may not be doing all it can to really market the model

Think back to the castings and go-sees you've been sent on. Is there anything you may have said or done that might have affected your chances of booking the job? It could be something as simple as talking too much when being asked questions or maybe coming across as too shy.

Like I said, I don't know much about you or your personality but maybe if you evaluate your experiences thus far when you have met with clients, there might be something that sticks out that could help you figure out what you can improve on, if anything.

Also reflect on your working relationship with your agent: how often do they send you out on castings? Do you keep in touch with them regularly? If they don't really send you out much, that could be part of the problem. But if they've been fairly active in putting you out there, then there isn't much you can do aside from possibly considering new representation once your contract is up.


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