Answering a Reader Question #607

Supernova Wrote:

I am a model with little experience in the field.I have recently got an offer to do a shoot for a foreign commercial brand.I was just wondering how much payment should I ask for since I am inexperienced.It is an 8 hour shoot.Since it is a Holland based company and I am an Indian,I am really Confused regarding the pay.Can you please help me out? Thank you.
P.S I love this blog.Really helpful.

Hi, Supernova!

Glad my blog has been of use to you and congrats on the latest modeling assignment you've booked! How exciting! :-)

Has the client give you any details about the shoot itself? For example, will they provide hair, makeup and wardrobe or do you have to arrive "camera ready"? Are you required to travel outside of city limits to get to the shoot location or is it local? Such factors help when trying to provide a rate, not just experience level.

Did they give you a budget or rough amount they'd be willing to pay or are they leaving that completely up to you?

Being that it is an 8 hour gig, that is a full day of shooting...while I don't know all of the details, I would recommend charging a flat rate. Those tend to work better for clients instead of hourly. I don't know if you're located in the US or not but for a model with little experience in the field in this situation, I would say (going off what you've told me) $250-$300 would be more than reasonable, especially if you end up having to do your own hair and makeup.

Make sure to let them know your rates are "negotiable" so they understand there's some wiggle room there but definitely don't go under $250.


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