Answering a Reader Question #589

Sarah C. Wrote:

Hey, my name is Sarah I have ALWAYS thought of being a model for Justice but no one like my parents ever support me to help me get into an agency and nominating for a girl in the mag. I really don't know what road goes ahead of me because no one helps me get more into it :( i need help ! I have a great smile and great long brownish goldish hair and I think its a cool opportunity to go along into talent agencies :) I have tried for modeling once but my parents said no because it was more than 7,000 dollars >:( help! :)

Hey, Sarah C!

Ugh, it sounds like the modeling opportunity you tried out for was a's no wonder your parents have a negative view of the modeling industry. Definitely frustrating, especially since you're underage (I'm assuming you're underage based on what your situation sounds like). You can't even submit photos and info to agencies without your parents' consent if you're under 18.

However, I think the best approach in your case would be to gather as much research as you can on the legit agencies near you and present them to your parents. And don't try to rush them on it. I think if you give it some time and show them the info you've come across, it will show them how mature you are. And don't ask them to make any decisions yet. Simply show them the agency websites and point out the stuff of interest...the legit ones usually say they don't charge upfront fees or make you pay for classes and training. That's worth pointing out, as well as if they state that you only need to send in digital snapshots and not professional images.

I think if your parents see that, it will at least let them know that you don't have to pay big bucks to get started in modeling. It could help sway their feelings a bit. If you need help finding these types of agencies, I would need to know what city and state you live in but I don't need your mailing address or anything personal like that.

Below is also a link to a post I wrote about dealing with parents and modeling that could give you some additional assistance:

The Parents

Your parents are also more than welcome to ask me any questions they may have in case they're still not sure. I can email them all the stuff they want to know and give them links to blog posts I've written about various topics most parents ask about.


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