Answering a Reader Question #598
Anonymous Wrote: Hey D, Thanks for the great info so far. I wanted to ask if you might be able to go further into the agency selection process. More specifically what to take into account when selecting which agencies you want to be with and apply to and then if and when receiving offers how to go choosing an agency and not hastily signing with one before opportunities with others have arrived. I am in NYC are there are of course all the huge agencies and tons of smaller ones and I am a bit lost as to where to start in the application process. Also on another note what do you think about incorporating as a model? As in registering an LLC (or equivalent) for a modeling career. How would one then sign with an agency as an entity? Thank you in advance for your help! ;) Hi, Anonymous! Below are links to blog posts I've written that address the subjects you should give you much better insight into the whole process of applying to agencies: Easy Ways to...