Answering a Reader Question #481

Anonymous Wrote:

Ms.Dania:) I heard that Fords has a commercial division (for girls around 5'6 and 5'7). Is this true? And how do I apply for it?

Hey there, Anonymous!

That's true, however, I don't know if all Ford office locations have commercial/print divisions. I know the one in San Francisco (when it was still in business) had one, which is how I got signed to them but you'll have to check Ford's official website and then select the location you're interested in to see if they list the divisions they represent.

If they don't list the divisions, give them a call to find out. Currently, Ford allows submissions through their website, where you fill out an electronic form and upload your photos. They also hold open calls at most office locations but you'll want to make sure it's not just for their fashion models.


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