Answering a Reader Question #1,027
Anonymous Wrote: I'm 14 but i really wanna do modelling but my parents are totally against it and there's this audition that i really wanna do but they are totally against it and idk what to do Hi, there, Anonymous! Ugh, what a bummer. You are definitely not alone...there are countless model hopefuls who want to pursue a modeling career but have parents who are not on board. As far as the audition goes, without parental consent, you wouldn't be able to participate, nor would the agency be able to work with you unless they have your parents' approval. I wouldn't suggest doing the audition without their knowledge (I think it would be hard to do that without their involvement anyway) because that will make a bad impression on the agency, not to mention get you in major trouble with your parents. If you haven't already, the best piece of advice I can offer is to really research the modeling industry and write down your goals and why you want to model (i.e. would you...