Answering a Reader Question #1,025
Anonymous Wrote: Hi, do you have any advice on first time model. What should I wear for my first shoot? Hi, Anonymous! Since I don't know your age, gender or other details, I'll have to answer pretty broadly so hopefully some of the info below applies to your situation. As far as what to wear, that all depends on what the purpose of the shoot is: Is the shoot for putting together your portfolio for an agency you just signed to? Is the shoot for yourself for fun or because you're attempting to become a freelance model? Is the shoot an actual modeling gig you booked and you're preparing for that? Based on which of the scenarios the shoot is for, below is basic information you can use for reference/to keep in mind: Portfolio Shoot for Your Agent The agency you sign with typically provides some kind of guidelines as to what wardrobe you should bring for your first portfolio shoot, as well as reference images. If you haven't received this type of info, email your agent t...