Answering a Reader Question #1,019
Anonymous Wrote: I Belong from Asian household (not Chinese or Korean asian). I am really interested in modeling, but my father don't like revealing clothes he always "says you are tall,why are you wearing this dress (length is till knee).he is always concerned what I wear and all.i really want to do modeling and yes he's always like what will thr world think if you do this , the world won't like. He's strict , but I don't want to live normal life. Please, hope you reply. Hi, Anonymous! How old are you? If you are underage and still living in your parents' household then pursuing modeling will be a big obstacle. When it comes to cultures and being conservative you are not the only person in such a situation so please know there are many young people going through a similar challenge. I am half Filipino but thankfully my mother was very encouraging and supportive of my decision to get into the entertainment industry as a model and actor but I know many other...