Answering a Reader Question #1,014

Anonymous Wrote: Hi, I was offered a contract with an agency in Belgium, which is a few hours away from where I live in the Netherlands. But now an agency in Amsterdam has asked me to come in for an interview, which I think would be more beneficial for me since it is a lot closer to where I live. How do I tell the other agency that I don’t want to sign with them yet and want to wait and see how this interview goes? They have said I can sign with agencies in the Netherlands too if I just tell them but I would rather have the first agency I sign with not be international. Since I will probably build my portfolio with the first agency I sign with. Should I just be honest and explain the situation? Hi, Anonymous! Congrats on the interest you've received from both agencies so far, how exciting! :-) Has the Belgium agency given you a deadline for when to return the signed contract by? Typically, agencies let you "think on it" for several days and will provide a deadline. Did y...