Answering a Reader Question #987

Anonymous Wrote: First of all, I think I love you Dania! Thank you for answer my question (#986) it was more than helpful, but I have more questions and I think you can help me: 1. I've just turned 18! my country is Venezuela and literal there isn't a decent modeling agency (here the modeling world is not a good idea), and being honest I don't want to start my career here, and like I said before I'm planning to go to NYC (next year) to see some agencies, my question is: Is okay to apply online to an agency that doesn't have open calls once there? I mean, like you said before I have to plan ahead the agencies that I'll attend but there is one on my list that only accepts an online application, and I want to apply once there because I want to fill the "addres box" with an address of NY, it is okay to do that or is crazy? 2. How do I “plan ahead” the agencies I will attend to, I mean, I have a list but do I need to contact them first? or do I have...