Answering a Reader Question #979
Anonymous Wrote: We live in the Uk but my daughter has been asked to sign with a mother agency based outside the UK - is this a good idea? We are not sure whether she would be overlooked for work if the London agency has to pay the mother agency an extra 10% for each job. Should we try and get her with a London agency instead or sign with this mother agency? We don't know if it is normal practice for the mother agency to be in a different country. Hello, Anonymous! While I won't say there hasn't been such an arrangement before where a model's mother agent isn't located in their country of residence, I will say that it is ideal and preferred to have the mother agent where you actually live, instead of another country--mainly for common sense factors of course. London is a major modeling market internationally so it would be in your daughter's best interest to obtain representation from a reputable mother agency there and then go about the routine pr...