Answering a Reader Question #946
Anonymous Wrote: Heyy! I was wondering about agencies in general; how critical are they if you have a few physical flaws? Like for example, knock knees or a slightly assymetrical face. If you're balanced out with positive physical attributes, would you be accepted regardless of your peculiarities? Or rather, if this question is too subjective, do modelling agencies only accept completely 'flawless' girls in apperance? Hi, Anonymous! Flawless only exists in Photoshop, lol, so believe me when I say agencies don't only look for models that have absolutely no flaws or imperfections whatsoever. Things like an asymmetrical face (a lot of people don't have completely symmetrical faces), slight blemishes/scars and other things can be worked around, however, something like knock knees would be a bit more challenging--specifically if the model in question wanted to do runway. It'd be hard to disguise that. However, that same model could easily fake it in photo...