Answering a Reader Question #941
Anonymous Wrote: Hi ! I am attending some open calls next month and i am so stressed because although i am 5'9" and my waist is 23" my hips are 37/38" which i know is too big for high fashion modelling and the agencies are top agencies!! I dont know what to di because i know i need them to be smaller but i dont know how and i already do a lot of excercise! Do you have any tips or advice ? Hi, Anonymous! The hip area is a huge problem for many people and as you know it can be difficult to slim down for modeling purposes and getting within range of what high fashion agencies require. What makes it even tougher is that you can't technically exercise your way to smaller hip bones. What you can do, however, is try to slim down by getting rid of the excess fat we sometimes carry around the hip area. I don't know what specific exercises you're doing or how long you've been maintaining that regimen but below is a link to an article that descri...