Answering a Reader Question #761
Anonymous Wrote: Hello Dania, I'm an aspiring male model looking for representation. My question is about hair. I'm African-American, and usually either keep my hair very short or grow out an afro. I've been thinking about getting dreads, but I'm not sure how that flies in the industry. I want neat, well-kept locks, but I know there's still a stigma attached to them regardless. Can you offer some insight into this, specifically for fashion and commercial modeling? Thanks. Hi, Anonymous! Sadly dreads as a hairstyle is still not widely accepted in the modeling industry. There are models that have this hairstyle in the industry, I'm sure, but the actual number is likely very small. If you want to pursue agency representation, you'll have to appeal to the standard requirements, which means staying clean cut for the most part. I would suggest looking at the websites of modeling agencies you're interested in submitting to and checking out the pho...