Answering a Reader Question #653
Anonymous Wrote: Hi Dania! First of all, congrats on your Official Jira Couture New York Ad! I'm so happy for you! Okay,now, here goes my question! I have been searching up talent agencies as well as modelling agencies as i want to submit in a modelling application. It's for fit modelling. Firstly, almost every one of the talent agencies have 'Academy' or 'courses' which says that their talents have to do before they can be out in the real world. The thing is, I don't know if it's normal for talent agencies to have these courses. I've read from your blog that model agencies which tell you to go through their course is a big no no.I'm wondering if this is the same for talent agencies. Secondly, do talent agencies accept fit modelling application? Most of them talks about TV commercial in their modelling section description. I want to do fit modelling, trying on clothes before they are sent out to shops, that's what I want to do...