Answering a Reader Question #559

Beth Wrote: I'm 5'7.5" and appear very tall and slim My measurements are 34 25 35 and weight is 120. I am 14. I am caucasian but have exotic eyes, from russian jewish heritage. Would I automatically be dismissed at an open call because of that half inch in height? for say runway or high fashion modeling. Thanks, Beth Hi, Beth! Some fashion modeling agencies lower the height requirements for female models ages 14-16 because they know there is still a chance for those models to grow in the years to come. If you can manage to find agencies that have these lowered requirements, then you can certainly still be considered for runway and/or high fashion modeling at your current height. What you'll need to do is look online for the websites of modeling agencies according to the city and state where you live. It's important to look at agencies within a 2 hour's drive from where you live. Browse through each agency's website to find out what the listed ...