Answering a Reader Question #513
Harsh Singh Wrote: i am 5'10 and skin is dark my friends says that agencies look for fair models so i want to ask can i be a model and i am from india.(u look beautiful) Hi, Harsh! Awww, thanks for the compliment! Agencies use male models of all skin tones. It mainly depends on what area/country you are trying to pursue modeling, however. For example, in Asia many of the models represented are very fair skinned but agencies will usually also have a select few that are very dark in complexion. In the United States, I've seen a consistent mix of both fair skinned and dark skinned male models. I'm not very familiar with the trends for models in India but I would recommend looking at the websites for Indian modeling agencies and looking at the photo galleries of the models they currently represent. If you see that a majority of the professional male models on there are lighter in complexion, then that may be the look they want right now. But if you also see that t...